We Prefer No Outside Food or Drink
We would like to ask people to refrain from bringing in outside food and beverages. We offer food and beverage services and would like to keep this option available for customers.
Should a patron bring in a Packed Lunch, a Take Away Coffee Cup, or a Drink purchased at another venue or any other food or drink items, you will be asked to either:
- Please finish the consumption of your item outside and dispose of the waste into the garbage bins provided.
- Please take what you have back to the car.
- Please consume your food outside the establishment or in the parking lot.
Mountain Bingo prides itself in providing a clean, well maintained and well-respected gaming venue. We do not want to discourage your attendance at our centre by asking you to take your food outside and in doing so offending you. This is not our intention. Your attendance to our facility is very important to us.
We thank you for your understanding and co-operation of this new rule and we apologize for any inconvenience it may cause.
Management & Staff
Most Frequent Comments:
You just want us to eat your food.
Yes, this is a correct statement. Mountain bingo employs 3-5 casual staff members to service the canteen and carryout General Cleaning and Customer Service duties. Therefore, the canteen is required to cover their wages.
I don’t want to eat your food.
We are not forcing you to eat the food from the Canteen, we are simply asking you to refrain from consuming food or drinks from other sources. If you eat before you come, bring in a water bottle for while you play, and then eat at your next venue, there is no need for the consumption of other food.
We have food allergies.
The Canteen although limited, will always accept ideas and suggestions of items to add to our menu. Keep in mind we need to be making revenue from these items and cannot bring in an item one patron will purchase. If you have a strict diet, Management may provide you with allowances but under strict rules, and must be done prior to your visit.
It’s just water.
Personal water bottles will be accepted into the centre. However, if the bottle is filled with juice or other substances, this is not acceptable.